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aqua computer VISION Glow table unit, IR, Temp. - 53236


Naša cena: 44,80 €
Redna cena:
55,30 €
Spletna cena:
44,80 €
Vaš prihranek:
Popust 19,00% (10,50 €)
1 leto
Dobava 3-10 dni
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The aqua computer VISION Glow desktop device is a high-resolution OLED graphics display that is used to visualize various system data and is housed in a compact housing with RGB LED lighting, which can be presented on the desk, for example. The integrated RGB LED illumination can be adjusted in color and brightness, as well as effects such as color changes or temperature-dependent lighting.
The display has a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels and thanks to the OLED technology offers excellent contrast as well as high viewing angle stability. It allows the display of various contents, which can be freely configured as required. A large number of PC hardware data can be read out via USB, either individually, in lists, as graphs or in diagrams. Even an indication of short text notices is possible.
The VISION Glow desktop unit also has an integrated ambient temperature sensor, which means that the temperature can be continuously determined and used for the display pages. The user could even configure an alarm function that triggers a configurable action when an adjustable temperature is exceeded, e.g. The shutdown of the PC.
This version of the VISION Glow desktop is equipped with a learning infrared receiver, which allows for wireless operation of the graphic display. With normal infrared remote controls or e.g. The aquaremote (not included in the scope of delivery) can be mouse or keyboard input. Up to ten infrared commands can be learned and linked with individual functions.
Technical details:
Measurements: 48 x 33 x 24 mm
Color: White / Black
Lighting: RGB

The aqua computer VISION Glow desktop device is a high-resolution OLED graphics display that is used to visualize various system data and is housed in a compact housing with RGB LED lighting, which can be presented on the desk, for example. The integrated RGB LED illumination can be adjusted in color and brightness, as well as effects such as color changes or temperature-dependent lighting.


The display has a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels and thanks to the OLED technology offers excellent contrast as well as high viewing angle stability. It allows the display of various contents, which can be freely configured as required. A large number of PC hardware data can be read out via USB, either individually, in lists, as graphs or in diagrams. Even an indication of short text notices is possible.


The VISION Glow desktop unit also has an integrated ambient temperature sensor, which means that the temperature can be continuously determined and used for the display pages. The user could even configure an alarm function that triggers a configurable action when an adjustable temperature is exceeded, e.g. The shutdown of the PC.


This version of the VISION Glow desktop is equipped with a learning infrared receiver, which allows for wireless operation of the graphic display. With normal infrared remote controls or e.g. The aquaremote (not included in the scope of delivery) can be mouse or keyboard input. Up to ten infrared commands can be learned and linked with individual functions.


Technical details:

Measurements: 48 x 33 x 24 mm

Color: White / Black

Lighting: RGB


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